16 Essential Personality Traits For Real Estate Agents
A real estate agent needs to demonstrate certain traits for them to succeed in this line of work. Granted, not all real estate markets are the same, but buyers tend to look for similar things before deciding they can trust a real estate agent. These traits tell the client a lot of details that the agent doesn’t even need to mention.
But what are these traits that clients look for when they talk to a new real estate agent? Sixteen leaders from Forbes Real Estate Council examine the essential characteristics that real estate agents ought to have, and what those traits tell clients about that professional.

1. Drive
I look for real estate agents that are driven from within by a cause, a passion or a purpose that involves serving people. You can’t teach desire or being driven. To me, this intrinsic characteristic is the foundation upon which everything else is built. A person must be driven to have the qualities of competency, honesty, integrity, responsiveness, transparency, etc. People can feel this energy! – Bobby Bryant, Ask Doss
2. Curiosity
Eighty percent of what you hear from your agent at first should be questions, not a resume, pitch or anything else. That’s how they get to know you—and thus your needs—and this is how they can truly help. In turn, you can be comfortable that as a deal advances, you are being persuaded—not manipulated—so that everyone can win. – Nathan Headrick, BluWater
3. Honesty And Persistence
The best brokers are the ones who worry about the long-term relationship and the ones who have strong morals and ethics with the ability to be completely honest with you. On that same token, being pleasantly persistent is important as this is the main function of what brokers do. If you cross that line, you become annoying or ruthless. You need to know how to master being pleasantly persistent. – Heidi Burkhart, Dane Real Estate
4. Transparency
Transparency is key. While a licensed real estate professional should know that their primary duty is to their client, it is also essential for any professional to maintain objectivity and transparency toward other parties in a transaction. A win-win transaction can only take place when material information is communicated and understood by all parties involved. – Bryan McLaren, Zoned Properties, Inc.
5. Technological Mindset
Real estate agents equipped with technology in their business practices can offer modern solutions with data, automation, artificial intelligence and transparency. Access to data and automation can provide more clarity toward the real estate market as a whole while selling, buying or renting a home. – Chuck Hattemer, Onerent
6. Communication
I’d look for communication and transparency. While we maintain confidentiality with our clients, it is essential to be able to communicate in a clear and transparent way. Emails and texts are a great way to have a record of communication “in writing” but it is also essential to build a rapport with clients and business partners. – Marco Del Zotto, High Elevation Realty – RE/MAX Alliance
7. Underlying Passion
Don’t just tell me what I want to hear. When selecting an agent, direct and candid communication, deep market knowledge, comprehension of the numbers, willingness to hustle and consistent follow-through are my basic requirements. Once I find these qualities, I make sure the agent has an underlying passion for real estate. Without that passion, the other qualities always fall short. – Joanna Schwartz, Quartz Properties
8. Emotional Intelligence
In my opinion, emotional intelligence separates market leaders from distinctly average agents. Reading and understanding clients is a prerequisite to solving their real estate problems with well-thought-through and meaningful solutions. Get that part right and clients will buy from you rather than you selling to them. – Jonathan Hopper, Garrington
9. Work Ethic
Work ethic is the biggest factor separating average agents from the great agents. Unfortunately, there isn’t a magic wand to this business. To be truly successful, an agent must be willing to work harder than their peers. It may be difficult to initially find that hard-working agent, but when you do, it will be worth the energy you spent to find them. – Dan Dutton, OMNE Partners
10. Integrity
One of the most important characteristics to look for in a real estate agent is integrity. With integrity, there are many other characteristics which also become evident. These qualities will reap a sound, professional and successful outcome. – Peter Ferzan, Ferzan Company LLC
11. Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness is an essential characteristic. Ask yourself if is this someone who has demonstrated that they conduct themselves in a professional manner and that they put client needs first. – Nancy Wallace- Laabs, KBN Homes, LLC
12. The Ability To Listen
It’s hard to measure, but the ability to listen is essential. It can’t be taught, so agents must gather valuable information. Clients give the need-to-know signals if you listen. An agent must encourage conversation and step back. You can take notes when appropriate, but ask if they mind. They will know you are listening to them. – Michael J. Polk, Polk Properties / Matrix Properties
13. Resourcefulness
Real estate transactions are complex, requiring effective handling of a lot of unknown situations. A resourceful agent makes sure that you do not have to settle for less, and provides multiple solutions so that you achieve your desired goal. Resourcefulness is a direct result of years of experience and innovative thinking habits. Look for a resourceful agent to represent you in your next deal. – Amit Inamdar, Own Sweet Home Realty
14. Experience
Interpersonal skills, negotiation strategy and composure are a few things you should look for in an agent, but it ultimately boils down to trusting their experience. There’s so much data, information and options on the internet, it’s easy to educate yourself on the basics. Having someone who understands the nuances through years of experience is key to a successful transaction. – Jennifer Anderson, Anderson Coastal Group
15. Responsiveness
Responsiveness is key. No matter how busy agents are, the good ones always make time for their clients. Great agents make their clients feel like the most important people in the world instead of just working the deal and moving on. – Jason Hsiao, Shaw Investments
16. Good Energy
One essential quality to look for in an agent is good energy. Are they down to earth and positive? Do you feel that you can trust them? Energy reveals everything about a person, and relationships are everything in real estate. You will grow especially close with your agent during the transaction. Make sure it is someone you trust, feel good about and has good energy. – Pamela Bardhi, The Mosche Group
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